
Five Staff Members say goodbye to the school

Four teachers, Mrs. Udani Cooray, Mrs. Asha Senaratne, Mrs. Mangalika Andradi, Mrs. Shashya Dharmaratne and the accountant clerk Mrs. Priyani De Silva retired from the service of the school. The farewell ceremony for them was held on 18 th of March 2021 in the school main hall. The Principal Rev. Sr. Priyanthi Jayathunga, The vice Principal Rev. Sr. Maureen Hettiarachchi, Rev. Sr. Jesika Kulatunga, Deputy Principal Mrs. Prasadini Perera and the staff and students from selected classes participated for the ceremony. The prefects organized a beautiful prayer service at the commencement. We could admire the service of the beloved retired staff recalling the sweet memories throughout a video slide show and speeches.

Inspiration for teachers for the year 2022

The annual inspirational programme for teachers was held on 13th January 2022, about two weeks after the opening of the school for the New Year 2022.

Prof. Jayantha Wattevidanage, senior lecturer of zoology faculty in open university, had been the guest speaker. During his lecture he inspired the teachers to be more effective in their role through further personality development in relation to mind and body association. A rekindled mind full of enthusiasm and eager in self-improvement can do much more in the process of education in the teacher’s role was his message.

First meeting of the year 2021

The academic year 2021 began with the celebration of the Holy mass by Rev.Fr.Ranmal at 8.00a.m. in the school main hall on the 11th of January 2021.

It was food for thought that Rev.Fr.highlighted the importance of the role of a teacher.three teachers who have rendered a yeoman's service to the school have retired and all joined in praising the Lord for HIs gift. addresed the members of the staff regarding the plans of the new academic year 2021.

The Farewell of Mrs. Desmani Bopearachchi- a teacher of Science of the school

A farewell organized by the principal and the staff was held on 9th October 2018 to say good bye to Mrs. Desmani Bopearachchi who retired after 16 years of service to go abroad to America with her family.