School Rules & Regulations


As Familian, we are called upon to be family can foster family spirit.

Characteristics of a good Familian

Simplicity and concern for others, good conduct, courtesy and modesty are hallmarks of a Familian. Be always aware that your school as well as yourself is judged and identified by your conduct wherever you may be.


  • Punctuality and regular attendance is required of all students. Absence from school is not acceptable unless for reasons of ill health, a family emergency or for reasons previously explained to the principal or class teacher.

  • Punctuality is the characteristic of a responsible student. Habitual lateness will be taken up by prefects or teachers.
    Missing school to attend weddings, functions or to go on pilgrimages and trips and for other such reasons is strongly discouraged.

  • If you get absent, a letter of excuse from a parent / guardian, stating reasons for absence must be presented to the class teacher on your first day back in school

  • Any student who is absent for more than one week without having notified the school authorities may be considered to have left school.

  • Should any student get absent from school either for the term or any function of the school her parents will be required to see the Principal personally to submit an explanation before the student goes back to the class. No letter of excuse submitted by a student will be accepted in this instance.


  • The correct school uniform consists of a white skirt waited dress with pleated skirt an inch below the knee with belt and short sleeves, the school tie, a pocket with the school monogram, plain white shoes & socks, black ribbons.

  • Fancy accessories, fancy wrist watches, jewellery, fancy shoes are not permitted. Only a pair of plain gold ear-studs may be worn.

  • Hair styles should be simple as befitting a school girl and long hair should be plaited & tied back with a black ribbon. No fancy hair combs clips or slides are permitted.

  • Students and not permitted to wear the uniform for functions outside the school without the permission of the principal.


  • Silence must be observed during the morning & afternoon prayers.

  • Respect the silence bell whenever it is rung. After the interval, students should line up quickly & quietly outside their own classroom when the first bell is rung. Prefects will supervise you until the teacher due for the 5th period arrives. Remain in the line quietly until you hear the second bell, after which you may enter class room with your teacher.

  • Students should remain quiet in class after each bell rings until the teacher arrives. Keep in mind that others are working and be considerate in not disturbing them.

  • Students are not permitted to walk outside their class rooms without the permission card during class time.


  • Students whose conduct & application is persistently unsatisfactory may be suspended from school, dismissed at the discretion of the principal.

  • Strict disciplinary action will be taken against any student whose behavior brings disrepute to the school. Students should bear this in mind wherever they may be, on public transport, school vans, at functions, at inter school gatherings and so on.


  • School property and environment should be treated with respect.

  • The property of the school should be used with care. Rocking on chairs, dragging furniture, scribbling on furniture or walls, losing sports equipment and other such carelessness and vandalism is not acceptable.

  • Take responsibility for creating a clean, healthy, beautiful environment around you. Keep your classes and the grounds clean. Use the bins. Remember to switch off the lights and fans when you leave the class room or halls.


  • The staff room is out of bounds for students during, before or after school. If you wish to speak to any teacher, a message may be conveyed through another teacher.


  • Students are encouraged to participate in such activities as are organized by the Unions and Societies in the interest of gaining an all round education. Parents are recommended to support such participation with a view to molding students with balanced personalities.


  • Students are not allowed to participate in any kind of public performances, whether sporting, cultural or otherwise, without the permission of the principal.


  • Students should take pride in the work they do. Books should be clean and maintained properly; work handed in should be neat and legibly written. Students must observe regular hours of study at home.

  • Any parent who wishes to meet the principal or any teacher could do so on the 1st Thursday of every month. The principal will be available to meet parents on Tuesday & Thursday of each week between 2.00 p.m. to 3.30 p.m. without prior appointment.


  • Parents will be notified in writing all outings & trips organized by the school. Parents should indicate their consent by filling in & returning the reply slip to the class teacher. School rules apply when students are out on school trips.